We are a private humanitarian organization, that aims to close the Nordic talent gap with talents from nations in distress

to grow organization, aid and revive exiled people and preserve and increase national talent
Currently we are focused on the "Ukrainian Initiative" - matching competent exiled Ukrainians in UA/EU with Jobs in the Nordics 

Our MISSION is to be a humanitarian service with a three-fold purpose: 1) locate Exiled Ukrainian Talents in EU and  2) match them with jobs Nordic Organisations to close the talent gap – and 3) contribute reduce Ukrainian “brain drain” by preserving Ukrainian talent.


We MATCH the potential of exiled Ukrainian refugees in EU, the similarities in national cultures, the high level of competence and education in UA, as well as the potential economic benefits for both parties with the demand for extra capacity in the Nordics and our opportunity – job by job - to stand with Ukraine.

You will find TALENT in any area that requires knowhow more than manual labour: 
IT, Engineering, Finance, Int’l law, Compliance, Marketing, Graphics Design, HR etc. .

The VALUE for exiles and organizations:

TalentAid locate, screens, quanitify and present candidates and jobs
we mentor and prepare the candidates for work and business with companies in the Nordic cultures,
at the same time preparing recruiting organizations for work with UA talents .